Posted by Chris
August 26, 2016
Chris played Contrell on Season 3 of the hit AMC western Hell On Wheels. You may also recognize him from appearing nation wide in a Sports Select Lottery, or Coors Light Beer commercial or as the spokesman for the viral Youtube "Muzooka" campaign. Chris has trained and performed in Los Angeles at the prestigious Upright Citizens Brigade, the Groundlings, the Improv Olympic, as well as the world famous Comedy Store; institutions whose alumni include Will Farrell, Conan O’Brien and Jim Carey to name a few.
Chris’ style of comedy has been described as "very unusual (as usual) and very funny... it's what really sets him apart from the pack". He is seen as clean, current, hip, inventive, and edgy, which gives him an improvisational feel and a strong connection with the crowd. Offering fresh perspectives woven seamlessly with absurd observations, Chris always delivers a dynamic interactive experience that is hilarious and unforgettable.
What people have been saying....
Posted by Chris
July 11, 2016
"Dude-- you are one of a kind :) -- good work and weird work all in one."- Matt Skrobalak- vice president of talent and casting -- CBS television studios
"Gordon lives so in the moment that each individual show becomes a legendary 'you had to be there' night, leaving his fans collecting his individual show stories like badges." - Beatroute Magazine
"Chris Gordon is a funny guy. And a fancy dresser as well."- Bob Saget- Danny Tanner on Full House and Host of America's Funniest Videos, HBO's Entourage
"One of the weirdest comics in the country. The infectious goofiness of Chris Gordon is a thing to behold... a one-of-a-kind experience." - Guy MacPherson, The Georgia Straight.
"Chris is someone who challenges conventional stand-up and I like that." - Gerry Dee- Last Comic Standing Finalist, Mr. D on CBC, Host of Canada's Smartest Person, The Score
"... you are definitely on the right track to developing your voice... you are going to do well..." - Dave Foley- Kids In The Hall, NBC's News Radio, Disney's A Bugs Life
"Chris Gordon has made quite the impact since breaking out at the Just For Laughs Festivals in Montreal and Toronto..." - Montreal Gazette.
"Chris Gordon is one of the most creative comedians I've ever seen. . .his show was never the same twice, and he won the admiration of his fellow performers as well as the audiences." -Ron Reid- Producer of the Seattle International Comedy Competition, Regional Manager at The Comedy Underground
"Chris is the funniest comedian I've ever worked with who takes his shirt off onstage. I'm also happy that he doesn't take his pants off." -Dave Coulier - Joey Gladstone on Full House on ABC and Host of America's Funniest People
"Chris Gordon is like Fabio if Fabio had red hair, was good looking and was super duper funny." - Steve Lemme- Broken Lizard, Super Troopers, Beerfest
"Calgary's resident weirdo!" - The Georgia Straight
"I've always been impressed by Chris Gordon's on-stage charisma and creativity. Many belly-laughs watching his comedy, he's a true original. This guy's going places. Most of those places are in rural Saskatchewan, but still, you know, places." - Pete Zedlacher- Writer and performer on The Hour With George Stroumboulopoulos, Canadian Comedy Award Winner Funniest Male Standup.
"Chris Gordon is Canada's next, great comedian. He is hysterical in every way." - Adrian Todd Zuniga- Creator and Host of Literacy Death Match.
"Comedian Chris Gordon has made a name for himself! " - FFWD Weekly "Sled Island Festival Comedy"
".... very unusual and very funny... it's what really sets him apart from the pack... clean, current, hip, inventive and edgy, which gives him an improvisational feel and a strong connection with the crowd." - The Sherwood Park News
" Chris' stage presence, overall likability and inventive style of comedy make for a new and fresh show every time I see him. And he has fantastic hair...but that has nothing to do with his comedy. Or does it...? Rating: 10 smiley faces out of 10." -Kerry Rassmussen- Online Comedy Reviewer
"Chris Gordon... both delights and frightens the audience with his manic, unconventional style." - Fast Forward Weekly
"... was just listening to... Chris Gordon's Am I Right?? episode and I almost fell over from laughing so much. Seriously that was the best thing I have ever heard." - Am I Right?? Radio Show/Podcast Listener.
Plenty of Jokes.
Posted by Chris
October 11, 2015
Since I'm such a stud, I got to write an article for the online matchmaking giant Plenty of Fish! To read the "5 Facebook Statuses that are Ruining Your Love Life" click here!
Did SNL steal from 22 Minutes?
Posted by Chris
May 11, 2015
Today I was asked by someone at CBC to comment on the 22 Minutes and Saturday Night Live controversy over the possibility that SNL aired a sketch this weekend that was the same as a 22 Minutes sketch from January of this year. See the National Post article which has links to the sketches here.
I do think both stealing jokes and collective consciousness (ie. great minds thinking alike) happens often in weekly or nightly comedy shows that have to come up with topical jokes. There's a demand on writers to produce this kind of content. It's hard to prove what is what. But of course writers too have original ideas and it's probably why they were hired in the first place (I'm not trying to slam them in any way, haha).
Sadly no one really cares enough in the general public if a sketch or joke or idea was stolen; they laugh, read about the controversy and move on. It's the comedians that care deeply. It's everything to us. I'm not saying that parallel thought is not a thing, it is (again especially for topical stuff), but it's just very hard to tell what is common thinking and what is stolen material.
These sketches were very close. And I think the question of plagiarism is raised since SNL was late on the ball to a "drawing Mohamed" sketch compared to when the news story of Charlie Hedbo broke in January and 22 Minutes aired theirs. That's a long time to pass for comedy even with the recent events in Texas. It's akin to doing a very similar "school shooting" sketch or joke that someone already did months before with a previous school shooting.
Joke theft is something that can be worked out within a small comedy community between comedians, but once it hits something like SNL it's not yours anymore whether they took it or not. The loser of the race isn't the last to the finish or even second place it's the least wide reaching voice.
Do you like music?
Posted by Chris
April 07, 2015
I went out tonight to see music. People were like, "What band is playing?" but I didn't know, haha. Then they asked what type of music... "Classical? Rap? Rock and Roll?" and I was like, “I don't know; I just bought tickets to go see music, duh.” People thought that was crazy, but I know it’s going to be the best, everyone likes music. I LOVE music. I mean, who doesn't like to listen to music?!? But man, when we got there, it sucked. They played music I hated (if you even call that music) with lyrics that offended me in some way and the lead singer didn't even wish us a happy birthday. I tried yelling at the singer that it was my birthday and yelling what I thought, no knew, was good music to play but that didn't even work. In fact, the venue asked me to be quiet and told me I was being rude and that's not what the musician wanted, but I was only trying to help the show and make the musician play better music. I'm never going to listen to music again. I could probably play better music; I mean my friends tell me all the time that I'm musical. I even found out later that my friend saw this same musician last week and get this, the musician played the exact same music, note for note, and didn't even try playing a brand new made-up on the spot song or playing a new instrument. What's with that? The band just played their hits that everyone apparently enjoys, but not me; that's not music. My friend even saw the musician later at a bar hanging out and told the musician to be musical and the musician didn't even do it? WTF. Such a dick move by the musician. Honestly? I know a guy at work who is way more musical than what I heard from this "professional" musician. I'm going to tell everyone to never go to or listen to music again. What a waste. I'm angry they even tried to make me have a good time with their "music".
Posted by Chris
May 23, 2014
Purchase tickets for the June 13th show by clicking HERE!
Posted by Chris
December 12, 2012
The commercial has over 228, 000 hits so check it out here:
Posted by Chris
November 07, 2011
Check out an article they mentioned me in about Calgary's comedy scene by clicking here
I Stopped Podcasting Myself
Posted by Chris
August 23, 2011

Some more Press!!!
Posted by Chris
June 10, 2011
Here is a write up from the Sheerwood Park News on my upcoming shows! To check it out click here.
Even more im-press!
Posted by Chris
June 09, 2011
Our crazy once a month Talk Show that is not a Talk Show at all was written up as part of Calgary's Comedy Scene. To read about it click here! The best way to experience it is to come to a show, last Thursday of every month at Broken City Bar in Calgary!
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Gerry Red Dee(R) !!!
Posted by Chris
March 26, 2011
Opening for Kyle Kinane!!!
Posted by Chris
February 24, 2011

Young Comedian Works his Way to the Top!
Posted by Chris
December 17, 2010
A article talks about comedy and follows an up and coming comedian's rise in the ranks. To read the article and see what I said about what it takes to be a comedian click here!
Full House Comedy Special!
Posted by Chris
October 21, 2010
November 12th is a special event at the Stampede Casino. Ron Josol is headlining the night! Tickets are $25 and are selling fast. Contact me if you would like to purchase some tickets!!! It is going to be a blast!!!! For more info click here! It is going to be a 4 camera shoot and the entire show will be made into a DVD, so get your tickets now to be part of the laughter!!! To see a feature article about the show and the creator of the show click here!
Thanks Zak Pashak for the Nod!
Posted by Chris
October 06, 2010
Calgary candidate for Alderman of Ward 8 and creator of the Sled Island Music Festival names me as on of the funniest people he knows. To check out what he said about me in the Calgary Sun scroll down to question 15 of the interview.
Thanks to Rory Scovel for the nod!
Posted by Chris
August 19, 2010
I have a chance to open for Russell Peters!
Posted by Chris
October 31, 2009
I am currently in the top 5 rated comedians to open for Russell Peters!
But, I need your support. Please take a minute to register your VOTE FOR MY CLIP "Fabio and Crazy Drivers" by clicking here!
You must Register to vote and this only takes a second. So please vote for me and tell your friends to also!!! For some reason if the link above shall fail you, go and find my clip "Fabio and Crazy Drivers" on the front page or under 'Top Rated'.
If you aren't registered, first enter your birthday to verify you are older than 18 and click 'Enter'. Then you can Register to vote. (Don't do both at the same time or click 'return' on your doesn't seem to like this).
Thanks so much for your support!!!
Seattle Comedy Competition
Posted by Chris
November 05, 2008
I am currently participating in the 2008 Seattle Comedy Competition. Check out my tour schedule and come see me confuse Seattlites with space comedy!
If you can't make it, make sure to check out the audience texts from the my shows!!!
Just For Laughs!
Posted by Chris
September 01, 2008
A lot has happened this summer since I was invited to perform at the Just for Laughs festival...I met a lot of great comics and had an amazing time. I was in four provinces and one state in four weeks, auditioned for CBS and have started filming my own show in Calgary, which will air in 2009. Also watch for me appearing as "Rocket Man" in a new Coors Light Commercial which is airing as we speak somewhere inside of your TV.
Posted by Chris
July 11, 2008
Hello, I am Chris I like lasers and beards and Cuba Gooding Jr. Thank you for checking out my brand new website!
I had this great idea about people being able to text me while I'm on stage telling me how I am doing or containing content that I would later tell jokes about. So hit the button to the left and check them out!